These photos are of another of Ferdinand Cayeux exquisite introductions showing an iris selected and bred for style and form. 'Président Pilkington' is such an amazing looking Iris and you can see why when it was first introduced it took the Iris world by storm. This plants provenance has been well researched, photo's are of the plant growing in France last season and is true to label. Plant foliage is moderately purple-based.
The Iris Yearbook (BIS), 1930, Irises in France, 1930 May 25th, 26th, 27th 1930. G.L.Pilkington.
Various seedlings falling under Diverse Colour Classes.
*** 4350 President Pilkington. Colour can be described roughly as an enormous "ochracea-coerulea," of quite perfect form. Four foot high and well branched, standards smoky lavender overlaid gold. Falls flaring, lavender blue with light olive brown suffusion at haft. Beard golden. A magnificent Iris.
Cayeux & Le Clerc, Quai de la Mègisserie, 8, Paris. Catalog 1931.
President Pilkington (Cayeux 1931) A very large flower of excellent form and glorious blend. S. pale buff wth a faint bluish suffusion. F. wide and flaring lavender blue with a buffy yellow suffusion paling at margins and yellow veining at throat. Beard golden yellow. Certificate of Merit and Special Prize offered by the 'IRISES COMMISSION OF THE SOCIETE NATIONALE D HORTICULTURE DE FRANCE' for the three best new Irises (May 1931).
Quality Gardens, Iris, Freeport, Illinois. Iris 1933.
President Pilkington M. 46”. Very large flower and a glorious blend. Standards pale buff with faint blue suffusion. Falls wide and flaring lavender-blue with yellow buff at margin and yellow throat. A magnificent iris, vigorous and sturdy and outstanding as to color.
Cooleys Gardens, Silverton, Oregon. Iris Catalog, 1933.
PRESIDENT PILKINGTON Each 65c; 3 for $1.50
A very lovely pastel blend, which at one time bore the appropriate name of "Apparition". When Mr. Mead saw it blooming in France, he described the color as "a lavender-blue elephant tone", suffused with bronze. A huge flower, the stalks splendidly branched to 4 feet tall. Standards are pale buff, with faint bluish and slightly rosy cast. Falls, wide and flaring lavender blue with buffy yellow suffusion paling at the margins. Beard golden yellow.
The Longfield Iris Farm, Buffton, Indiana. Peonies, Iris, Daylilies, 1936
Pres. Pilkington (Cay 1933) An imposing iris in size and height. S pale buff with faint blue suffusion; F wide and flaring, lavender blue with yellow buff at margin and yellow throat. A wonderful iris, vigorous and sturdy.
Carl Salbach Berkeley, California, German or Bearded Iris Catalog, 1937.
President Pilkington. This fine new blend, although generally compared to Dolly Madison, is totally distinct. Large, of bold form, well-branched, many buds to stalk, and medium tall. Standards vinaceous buff underlaid old gold, with falls of soft violet faintly edged silvery brown. The elegant dignity of this iris gives it a charm that is difficult to describe. Mid-season. 40 inch.
Vilmorin Andrieux & Cie, 4 Quai de la Mégisserie, Paris (1er), Plantes 1938.
Président Pilkington (Cayeux 1931) Très grande fleur de forme superbe. Divisions supérieures buffle cliar teinté de jaune d’or. Divisions inférieures larges, bleu lavande, nuancé de jaune à la gorge. Certificat de mérite de la S.N.H.F.
National Iris Gardens, Beaverton, Oregon, 22nd Catalog, 1938.
Very huge flower, being a lovely pastel blend of lavender, blue, buff, yellow and rose, with striking gold beard. Outstanding French award winner.
Oakhurst Gardens, Arcadia, California. Iris 1939.
PRESIDENT PILKINGTON. A magnificent, large, perfectly formed flower of outstanding color. S. pure buff; F. lavender-blue. 46 in.
Rene Cayeux, 124 rue Camille-Groult, Vitry-sur-Seine, près Paris, Seine. Iris Catalogue, 1939.
PRESIDENT PILKINGTON. Cayeux 1931. A very large flower of excellent form and glorious blend. S. pale buff with a faint bluish suffusions. F. wide an flaring lavender blue with a buffy yellow suffusion paling at margins and yellow veining at throat, beard golden yellow. Certificate of Merit and Special Prize of the S.N.H.F. IRISES COMMISSION for the three best new Irises (May 1931)
Schreiners Iris Garden, Riverview Station, St Paul, 7, Minnesota. An iris Lovers Catalog, 1940.
One of the largest and most exquisite of the blends. A pale crystalline buff heavily infused lavender, especially in the falls. A magnificently proportioned iris full of subtle overtones.
The Iris Yearbook (BIS), 1947, Irises for the Beginner, N. Leslie Cave.
PRESIDENT PILKINGTON (2 Votes) (Cayeux 1931) A buff lavender blend of delightful colouring. A vigorous grower with slender stems. Planted in slight shade the delicate colours hold up well. A handsome Iris.
Rene Cayeux, 124 rue Camille-Groult, Vitry-sur-Seine, près Paris, Seine. Iris Catalogue 1951.
Président L. G. Pilkington.
Buffle clair teinte jaune d'or et bleu lavande nuancé jaune d'or à la gorge. Coloris doux et fleur très élégante. T. Hr. 0,90m.
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Revue-Horticole, 16th June, 1937. |
PRESIDENT PILKINGTON TB 40" M; S6L; Cayeux,1931. Revue-Horticole-109 #18 page 529 16th June 1937; CM & Spec. Prize SNHF 1931: Bulletin Société Nationale d'Horticulture de France 5th Ser. 4: 307 25th June 1931.
It has to be said that over the next few years historic Iris identification will certainly be challenged and some of the varieties in established collections thought 'to be so' may perhaps become 'not to be so'.
As always clicking on the above image will take you to the larger, higher resolution version.
Major Hat Tip and "Merci beaucoup" to Catherine Adam for her direction and help with the French language, catalogue listings, and of course for sharing with you all the amazing photos of 'Président Pilkington'.
Reproduction in whole or in part of these photo's without the expressed written permission of Catherine Adam is strictly prohibited.
Photo credit and copyright Catherine Adam © .
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