Friday, June 27, 2014


THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE. May 28th, 1921. IRISES OF THE FUTURE. W. R. Dykes IT is never easy to prophesy correctly, even if successful prophecy is little more than intelligent anticipation. The following notes, therefore, are intended less as an indication of the future than as possible suggestions. Among the early bulbous Irises there seems little hope of new developments, unless we can hold in check the fungous disease which plays such havoc among the bulbs. If we could overcome...
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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris, LIANNE

 A New Zealand Bred standard dwarf  iris from the '70's. Standards and falls are are a clean lime-wash apricot colouring with darker apricot brown veins around the beard which spill towards the falls . Great increase, and good health. If you can find it , buy it!! Lucy Delany contributed hugely to New Zealand's Iris breeding History registering 20 irises mainly dwarfs and median irises, and her amazing navy blue coloured siberian iris 'Moon Moth' is an absolute stand-out!. The Iris Yearbook...
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Monday, June 16, 2014


Winter Olympics is an iris of excellent quality, an absolute classic, and a much deserved multi award winner. A very clean healthy grower with great clump forming vigour. Plenty of blooms held on strong stems that can withstand most weather conditions. A tough but beautiful Iris with great attributes  making a great  Iris for beginners. It is also very fertile both ways and sets pods easily.  Many irisarians and home gardeners are happy to have just one white iris but you can't lump me in with that crowd. I've...
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Iris Evansia, Iris Japonica, Crested Iris, NADA.

NADA when in bloom it is like a Christmas Tree on steroids, and once it starts it blooms for a very long time, but you can never tire of it. Large well feed plantings of these blooms just blow you away. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, April 1938, Number 69. Iris notes from Southern California, Lena M. Lothrop  I managed to attend the Show for a few minutes and was very much upset. There was just one beautiful exhibit there and it was outstandingly so. It is a hybrid of Mr. Giridlian's crossing between japonica and...
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Sunday, June 8, 2014


Plate 503, Drawn at Kew, April 1885 THE GARDEN August 1st, 1885. THE FRINGED IRIS OF JAPAN IRIS FIMBRIATA The graceful Iris figured in the accompanying plate was first described by Thunberg in 1793, and named by him I. japonica. It must before this have been introduced into England, for Mr. Baker states that the Banksian herbarium contains a specimen from Kew Gardens dried in 1792. Curtis figured it in the Botanical Magazine, in 1797, as I. chinensis, and in Redoute's " Liliaceae " ...
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Monday, June 2, 2014

Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris KNOTTY PINE

Widely regarded as significant parent 'Knotty Pine' is in the parentage of hundreds of irises. (Used in breeding SDB Plicatas to give 'better form believe', it or not) Knotty Pine is what I describe as a progressive iris because the longer the bloom season gets going, the blooms get to grow taller and grow out from the foliage from where the earlier blooms seem play peak a bloom. Nice increase with great plant health. Standards are a nice citrus honey when first open, that becomes a more than pleasant honey tone with age....
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