Saturday, October 25, 2014

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris EARLY EMBERS

Back home for the weekend from my work in Christchurch, and this morning I walked the garden at first light one of the most enjoyable times of the day for me. Still a few weeks away yet for peak bloom which I will not be here for so it was a delight to see a New Zealand bred Iris shinning like a beacon in the garden. It's David Nicoll's 'Early Embers' which I have always had a lot of time for but only get to see it at it's best when the Nor-Westerly winds stay away in the early season. Plant has good healthy foliage with...
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Friday, October 17, 2014

French Dykes Medal winner JEAN CAYEUX

Don't you just love the blends, they are the chameleons of the tall bearded irises and when viewed in the early morning sun they become the custodians of the changing light. Jean Cayeux is a stand-out example of this colour class; The Iris Yearbook (BIS), 1930,"New Irises in France", R.G. Walter. At Messr. Cayeux et Le Clerc's Nurseries. This is a very distinct Iris of unusual colour. Good size flowers of neat shape with flaring falls. Very much the colour of wet...
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Friday, October 10, 2014


THE GARDEN  May 27 ,1876. HANDSOME IRISES Among hardy perennial plants there are certain kinds which, on account of their showy character in general, or of their striking forms and habits, rank among the aristocracy of flowers, rendering them well worthy of very special and general culture. Among such are, for instance, the Phlox, the Peony, the Larkspur, and most decidedly the many most strikingly interesting varieties of Iris, which, to be more appreciated, only require to be more generally known. Their...
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris CHERRY GARDEN

Every spring the iris growers in New Zealand await the opening of the first iris flowers in their gardens. Sometimes, even when the last snow is still on the Mountain Range the little miniatures poke their little heads through and shout out with joy. From the minute that the first flowers appear you know that in just a few short weeks you will be in the middle of peak bloom. Hallelujah!!! Bennett C Jones, Portland, Oregon. Introductions for 1967. CHERRY GARDEN-Sdlg. #M134-1 (CAPTAIN...
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