Friday, May 1, 2015

Beautiful German Iris of Special Named Varieties.

Checklist status of the varieties Illustrated above;

#1. CUPERO., is not listed in either the 1929 or the 1939 Checklists

#2. PARISIENSIS., is not listed in either the 1929 or the 1939 Checklists.

#3. FULDA., is listed in the 1929 checklist as TB-W3L which is a White light blue toned bicolour,  and is attributed to no hybridiser. By time it gets to the 1939 checklist it becomes a midseason blooming Intermediate Class Iris with the same colour tone still with no known hybridiser and in 1939 it is now listed as obsolete.

#4. CRAMER., Cottage Gardens Nurseries of Queens Long Island in their 1903 Catalog  list 'Cramer' as Light blue, falls slightly darker.
The 1939 Checklist says Cramer is a synonym for  ATTRACTION an Intermediate class, light blue self and considered nearly obsolete.

#5. MADAME CHEREAU (Jean-Nicolas Lémon, 1843) and #6., QUEEN OF MAY (John Salter, before 1859.) are listed in both checklists, they are two of the greats by two of the greats of historic world and are still grown in many Historic Iris collections around the world.

Two out Six is not a lot of 'know where they live' irises to show for an amazing colour plate of named irises that was published in 1927 and these are just some of a large number of named and catalogued irises that the early checklists left in a Iris 'no man land'. Perhaps the missing variety information can be found in earlier Garden Journals and I will keep an eye out for them. Perry Nursery Company, Rochester, New York, also is not listed in the 1929 or 1939 Checklists.

Reproduction in whole or in part of this post, its opinions or its images without the expressed written permission of Terry Johnson is strictly prohibited. Photo credit and copyright Terry Johnson and Heritage Irises ©. 


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