Have you seen the new brochure about the Bearded Trials published by the Royal Horticultural Society ?
This bulletin follows the completion of a trial of 151 Median Bearded Irises and 112 Tall Bearded Irises at RHS Garden Wisley. The bulletin gives details of 90 AGM award-winning bearded irises in this group. It contains pictures and descriptions of each AGM cultivar, plus advice on cultivation and Bearded Iris classification.
Great presentation, informative,and a future benchmark for Iris trial reporting. My Congratulations go to the Joint Iris Committee, and the RHS for a very professional publication
Available from the Trials Office, RHS Garden, Wisley, Woking GU23 6QB - please send a large (A4) stamped addressed envelope and a donation of £2. Further details and downloads can be found here
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