If you want a dainty flowering Intermediate Iris that's White with a bit of a surprise then 'CHEERS' is for your garden. Its a tough and strong grower with bloom size comparing well with the Table Irises.Looks good with 'Spring Night' (Same size of bloom) Interesting parentage!! 'Cheers' has lots of bloom and colour with a bloom period and also in stature between the Dwarfs and Tall Bearded (41 to 70 cm 16 - 27½ inches)
If you don't own this Iris it's high time you did and soon. Hybridised by the Late Ben Hager a Notable of the modern Iris World.
Melrose Gardens, Stockton, California, The Connoisseurs Catalog, 1981
CHEERS (Hager '75) Clean white with mandarin red beards. Floriferous in a clump AM 1978
1979 AIS Checklist
CHEERS (Ben Hager, R. 1974). Sdlg. IB2709TW. IB 18" (46 cm) EM. White self; mandarin red beard. (((Norah x Thisbe) x Glittering Amber) x ((((Hall 4405 x Craig 7669) x Happy Birthday) x apricot sdlg.) x Glittering Amber)) X Pink Cushion., Melrose Gardens 1975. HM 1976, AM 1978.
Photo credit and copyright Iris Hunter
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