Two Recent Historic Intermediate Irises Out today Will Just give you the checklist details and fill in a bit more information later.

ARCTIC MYST (A. Brown, R. 1964). Sdlg. M-358-4. IB 20" E, B1. Wisteria blue self, tan at haft; light yellow beard. (Snow Elf x blue sib) X Flyaway., Brown's Iris Gardens 1964. HM 1966.
Quick Note Very Fragrant

BLACK WATCH (R. Rosenfels, R. 1972). Sdlg. 684-S. IB 23" (58 cm) M. Very deep, velvety purple self; matching beard. First Night X Sable Robe., Rosenfels 1972.
Photo Credit and Copyright Iris Hunter
Hi, thank you for the fave. The bearded Irises are amongst the most beautiful flowers. I used to grow them in Switzerland. My climate here is not agreeable to the bearded Irises. I grow a few Louisiana Irises; which do well.