Friday, December 25, 2009

Tall Bearded Historic Iris "MARBLED MOHR" or is it a Arilbred????

Christmas Blessings to you all. If I had to pick an Iris which epitomised my year it has to be Marbled Mohr. It kinda is one type of Iris but it ain't, and lets face it, when you see such beauty the politics of Iris registration takes a definite back seat. Maybe, it just is one of those situations when,"If it looks like a Arilbred,Grows like an Arilbred, you know, it just might be an Arilbred" Problems like these in Iris Nomenclature will be eliminated when the meaning of 'Cumulative" is discovered and embraced by more than just the...
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Sunday, December 20, 2009

"That old Jap Magic has me in its spell"

..A visit to Eddie Johns and his Otara Birch Gardens is always one of the great highlight of the Iris year. This is the largest collection of Japanese Irises in New Zealand and makes for an impressive display. Some of his new seedlings show real potential. A few of the photos taken yesterday.Big hat tip to Eddie Johns for his hospitality.Photo Credit and Copyright Iris HunterClick on any image to Supersize***...
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Monday, December 14, 2009

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris "KINGSTON GLORY"

We have grown this iris at home for two years, but only bloomed in its second season. My initial thoughts were before checking the label that it was most likely Bernard Hamner's 1994 introduction 'Burgundy Party' and what was it doing growing there? But when reading the label and double checking my notes and garden map, I found out the Iris to be the widely acknowledged shy blooming New Zealand bred iris 'Kingston Glory'.With good closed form in it's Standards, a nice amount of ruffling on both the standards and the falls, and with...
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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tall Bearded Iris "GYPSY ROMANCE"

For the past 6 years the award winning 'Gypsy Romance' has consistently created a great deal of attention in my garden. A rich ruffled violet raspberry self (RHS 77A) with a most attractive beard. Clumps up very well and in no time at all becomes a very impressive display. Flowers of good form and ample size. It's one of the few Irises that makes my bucket list (one you need to grow and see before you kick the bucket) Interesting parentage R 720-D: (Louisiana Lace x Entourage) X T 879-B: (L556-1: (G 510-A x Fabulous Frills)...
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Friday, December 11, 2009

'Libertia peregrinans' New Zealand Iris

. . New Zealand's only genus of the worldwide distributed Iris family (Iridaceae) is LIBERTIA SPRENGEI of which there are 4 recognised native species. Libertia peregrinans is one of the native species growing in the gardens just outside Parliament Buildings Lampton Quay in an area known as Waitiki Landing The plant is used extensively by the Wellington City Parks and Reserves Department and is planted in many public gardens around the Capitol City. It's tiny white flowers which are still on some plants outside the National Archives...
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris "SOUTHERN AUTUMN"

One of the highlights of this bloom season was the flowering of another Ron Busch Iris 'SOUTHERN AUTUMN" which performed great in the inclement weather. Good growth with eight to ten buds on very strong stalks, Standards a rosy grey white, Wine brick red ruffled semi-flaring falls with an edge the same colour as standards. Mustard gold beard enhances the colour combination. Whilst it was just its first year at home the colouration was stand out, it is floriferous, and has the potential to make a stunning clump. My understanding is...
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Thursday, November 26, 2009

New Zealand Tall Bearded Historic Iris "NINA LEVETT"

The very late blooming 'Nina Levett' is often confused with a earlier blooming iris which grows at about the same height named, 'Pink Advance". 'Nina Levett' is the pod parent of 'Pink Advance'. Photo above is from the plant gifted to me by the late Shirley Spicer, of Wanganui. Stevens Bros, Bulls, Catalogue of Irises, 1937-38. NINA LEVETT A lovely tall pink of regal carriage.The large flowers are an even shade of lilac pink, and are carried on well-branched 4 1/2 foot stems. Exceptionally vigorous. The Iris Society Year Book...
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Zealand Intermediate Bearded Iris 'LUCY'S BLUE SILK '

Quite the little surprise package is this New Zealand bred Intermediate Iris which grows along side 'Moon Tike' and are two of the very late flowering Intermediate Irises in our collection.A high health plant which grows well and always shows good increase and would adapt well to growing in most gardens. Slight but nice scent.1989 AIS checklistLUCY'S BLUE SILK (L. Delaney by H. Catton, R. 1985). IB 24" (60 cm) M-L. Light sky blue; white beard. Unknown parentage., Catton 1986/87. Not sold commercially in New Zealand, but if you can...
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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Getting it Right

. . An article in the AIS bulletin 353, April 2009 "Unsung Heroes of the Plant World" goes on at length espousing the advantages of joining a plant society - no doubt admirable thoughts. This blog has always promoted joining reputable plant societies.But societies can undo decades of trust and creditability by promoting, selling or registering Irises with dubious names.Take for instance a recent event. A lady (Who I shall call Mrs.B) from the district where I live attended an Iris show in Palmerston North in 2007. This show was...
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Friday, November 6, 2009

Border Bearded Historic Iris "JUNGLE SHADOWS "

'Jungle Shadows' tucked away among the peonies growing in its own little jungle at home . A sultry toned Border Bearded Iris of ideal proportions introduced in 1960, receiving the Knowlton Award in 1962. Registered by Helen Graham after the death of the originator Henry Sass. I treasure this iris for the chaos of colour and when introduced it no doubt created a step change in how we view and perceive what an Iris should look like. Chaos and controversy is always a great combination, well it is in my world. Melrose Gardens, Route...
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tall Bearded Heirloom Iris "SUNSET SNOWS "

October 2009 is on record of being the coldest October in New Zealand since 1945, just witness the frost damage to the edges on the standards and falls in the above photo, and we had plenty of rain as well. This incessant combination of heavy frosts quickly followed with heavy rain has turned most of the early iris blooms into mush, and just when I was thinking there is not to be any photos of early varieties to take this season for the blog, Jean Stevens 'Sunset Snows' begins to bloom and becomes 'the save of the weeks'. Plant...
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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Grannies Bonnets among the Tall bearded Iris

Seems like it stopped raining at home for no more than an Hour, the Aquilegia's are just loving it but the Irises are not so keen with the constant rain. I'm so glad I am just judging Irises this week-end and not showing. Photo credit and copyright Iris Hunter...
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tall Bearded Historic Iris "GLACIER "

Many white irises are now on show, but so many damaged by the rain and with more rains to come this is not going to be a great bloom season for the early varieties. Despite the weather 'Glacier' a French raised variety has managed to keep its head up, and a variety taller than most, is liked a lot. 47 years old and I have always considered 'Glacier' to be a significant transitional iris from the classic form to the more modern form of white Iris blooms. It does however slowly revert back to the older form the older the blooms become.AIS...
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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tall Bearded Historic Iris "LOS ANGELES "

The heirloom iris 'Los Angeles' flowering in the rain at home today, its the sibling to the Dykes Medal winning plicata 'San Francisco' but a much better grower, and sure is a sight to behold.Robert Wayman Bayside, New York. Catalog for 1930-31  LOS ANGELES (Mohr-1927) This new giant "plicata" bloomed for the first time in my garden in 1929. $10.00 each Quality Gardens, Iris, Freeport, Illinois. Iris 1933 Foreword, 'A little gossip about Iris'. The curious and interesting part of it is the fact that the buying public, the rank...
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Sunday, October 11, 2009

2010 Bearded Iris Calendar.

.."Great Christmas Gift"Not one of those small desktop calendars for a big price, its a large calendar for a very reasonable price. Folds out to A3 size which is 297mm × 420m or 11.7'' × 16.5''$19.50 (NZD) plus $2.00 postage and packing for New Zealand customers or $4.00 for overseas postage.ContactWendy BegbieAmazing Iris Garden292 Busby Road,RD1 KATIKATINEW ZEALANDPhone 07-549-2429.Email Site***...
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Iris germanica

. . Pictured above flowering at home today I. germanica var. vulgaris, an historic garden variety, and is a Natural Hybrid, recorded as been cultivated in gardens for centuries.HANDBOOK OF GARDEN IRISES W.R.DYKES Published 1924 I. germanica (species Linnaeus 1753)This is no individual variety but an abstraction from a group of varieties which agree in the following characters ; Leaves of some length in winter ; flower stems liable to destruction by frost before the emerge from the leaves ; stems bearing a terminal head of two...
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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Barry Blyths 2009-2010 Iris Introductions

Just updated Tempo Two Web Site, with 42 Magnificent New Introductions for 2009-2010 Season portrayed as a slide show. Great eye candy!!!!An interesting note on the Welcome page states they are in their 13th Year of Drought or Below average rainfall in Southern Victoria, Tall Bearded Irises just loving these conditions.Barry Blyth is without doubt one of the world's great Iris hybridisers and its always good to see his Iris breeding kaleidescope and a new vision each year.Click on the web page above to visit or go to
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Thursday, September 24, 2009

'Amazing Iris Garden' is at the 'Kumeu Just Gardening Show'

..Wendy Begbie and her team from the Amazing Iris Garden will be at the 'Just Gardening' show at Kumeu, this Saturday!!!! Lots of Quality Bearded Irises in pots for sale.Saturday 26th September 9am – 5pm. Kumeu Show Grounds, Access Road, Kumeu. Plants delivered to your car! This promises to be another huge success. Wendy also has a new web site which is pictured above (Click for link). A Gardening delight, not to be missed.Click on the link below for map and directions****...
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Short Story

In the afternoon sun today, the little Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris "Tonya" giving its all. Reports from up North (Auckalofa) are that the Iris season is early and off to a good start. Massey University in Palmerston North, today have some of their Tall Bearded Iris blooming possibly 'Magnolia' The question to be asked is 'will this season be over before November starts ??' No fluorescent lighting was used in the production of these photos. Photo credit and copyright Iris Hunter...
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Tall Bearded Iris Society is on Facebook

..I was wondering just how long it would take before any Iris Society would embrace Facebook for promotion of membership, well it has happened!!!!The Tall bearded Iris Society to help with the promotion are "Giving away Plants" and get this "Giving away free membership" using a competition format of 'guess the Iris name' . They have sponsorship from some forward thinking Commercial Gardens who are supplying plants and or underwriting the membership fees. With 390 fans on the site within 8 weeks and growing that's more than some Iris...
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

W R Dykes, Tulips

..Form of Orphanidea Boiss.Tulip #45 Pl. IX William R Dykes, one of thee great giants of the Iris world also bred tulips and his book 'Notes on Tulip Species' is still widely referenced. I came across this book whilst researching Irises.Published after his death in 1930. Illustrated and Edited by his wife E. Katherine Dykes, with the introduction by Sir A. Daniel Hall.This rare book is held at the National Library of New Zealand and is well worth the trip to Wellington to view the incredibly brilliant Illustrations like the one displayed...
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Wellington Botanic Gardens Tulips

..Last time we visited the Botanic Gardens in Wellington it was a grey and overcast day about 4 weeks ago. Just the same this Saturday but with rain .(It was hard to keep the rain off the camera lens ) 'Tulip Sunday' at the gardens this year is 27th September which is another two Sundays away and as you can see there will be a powerful amount of finger crossing to keep some of the display beds at peak.Buds galore give such an amazing display of formPhoto credit and copyright Iris Hunter****...
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Friday, September 11, 2009

New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris "RADIANT DAY"

Another photo taken in the interesting historic Iris collection of Mrs Mary Greaves in Masterton. It is the Jean Stevens Iris that I am looking forward to seeing flowering again this season. I have always considered this to be one of the Neon Sign's for Jeans breeding and the reference in her hand written notes of 'Very Brilliant' could also apply to the hybridiser herself. Its from a 1936 Carl Salbach Iris 'Radiant' with its standards of golden bronze and falls of velvety brick red, and was crossed with the 1939 copper apricot self...
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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tall Bearded Iris "DARKSIDE"

The great thing about Bearded Irises is that just about anyone can grow them, so for the new and even the more accomplished Iris Growers, 'Darkside' is a 'must have' and is generally sold for very reasonable prices. My recommendation is at the very least, to put this Reblooming Iris on your wish list. The large silky rich and ruffled dark purple black blooms with purple ebony beard, has a distinct purple base to the leaves.(PBF). A vigorous and utterly reliable garden iris which excels in full sun. Whilst the photo below is not...
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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tall Bearded Historic Iris "CASCADE PASS "

Returning home from Wellington and to my delight a solitary stem of the ridiculously early blooming 'Cascade Pass'. Not another bloom stalk in this garden to be seen but I did note that the are a couple in other gardens at home where the irises are starting to set bloom stalks, amazing really, we are still 9-10 weeks away from Masterton's Iris Show. Note the frost damage at the tips of the standards in the Photo.A large white iris with slight ruffling and olive veins which start on the hafts,and cascade down the falls. White tipped...
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Art and Rust

..Architecturally, Wellington, is a really interesting city. Yesterday on my way to meetings I passed the City Gallery Wellington which is currently closed due to construction of additional two new galleries and the interior upgrade of the existing structure. The new addition exterior rainscreen is a cladding of open metal webgrate . The material used is manufactured steel which has no protective coating, exposed to the elements it will of course rust, changing the initial colour from orange-brown to eventually a dark brown in colour....
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Narcissus 'Emperor's Waltz'

Narcissus 'Emperor's Waltz' A cyclamineus hybrid, 'Emperor's Waltz,' a charmer in yellow and orange, blooming just inside the gates at the Wellington Botanic Gardens. This cultivar backswept appearance of the petals are a feature. It is shorter growing and flowers before the larger cupped Daffodils. Photo Credit and Copyright Iris Hunter Click on any photo to view a larger image...
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Corylopsis spicata 'Spike Witch-Hazel'

Today at The Wellington Botanic Gardens, just one of many amazing plants in the fragrant garden, masses of hanging tassels of sweet-smelling yellow green flowers on bare branches. The Spike Witch-Hazel new leaves will be a rich purple colour, turning bluish green with maturity. The plant also puts on a Knock-out display of Red to Orange leaves come the Autumn.Truly a plant that has learnt to Multi-task. A Certainty for the"Must get list" Photo Credit & Copyright Irishunter Click on any photo to view a larger i...
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Wellington Botanic Gardens

..Sunday before lunch at the very fine 'Scopa Caffe Cucina,' we visited the very wet Wellington Botanic Garden, which had suffered from very heavy overnight rains and wind, but all the same, its a great shot of spring anticipation with the tulip beds heaving the soil in the race for Tulip Sunday (This year its 27th September).The early Magnolias took a some real punishment and lost about 40% of their bloom.An amazing display with scent included. Daphne odoraPhoto Credit & Copyright IrishunterClick on any photo to view a larger i...
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©2008 - 2016 HERITAGE IRISES. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or storage of this website's content is prohibited without prior written permission. Terry Johnson in association with The Iris Hunter,What Have You Productions and 15 out of 7 Design.