GOLDEN PANTHER (Tasco 2000) TB 34" (86 cm), M, Heavily ruffled gold, overlaid bronze, highlighted with darker bronze at the edge, bright golden orange beard. Guadalajara X 90-02-03: (Marsh Light x Dazzling Gold) AIS HM 2002, AIS AM 2004, #1 Favorite Guest Iris at Memphis 2002 American Iris Society National Convention. Winner of the Presidents Cup award at the 2004 AIS Convention, Fresno, California.Wister Medal 2006, Dykes Medal winner 2009.
And how profound was Perry Dyer writing in his 'CONTEMPORARY VIEWS'– 2005/2006.
'I continue to be impressed with GOLDEN PANTHER (Tasco 2000), back to the first time I saw it as a reselect at Superstition. It receives A+ ratings in every category – branching is consistent, with strong stalks displaying well-spaced modified candelabra branching; plants are healthy and vigorous with excellent increase; form is impeccable, rounded with a finished look to its ruffling. The true test, especially for this color range, is its sun-resistance. It never burns, even in the hot dry climate of Oklahoma or central California. It retains its clarity of color even in a wet spring, a significant accomplishment in this color class, when this type of weather conditions tend to “muddy up” the picture. It has been consistent in every part of the country it has appeared, a true testament to its worthiness for consideration of the Dykes Medal.'
Big hat tip to Rick Tasco and Rodger Duncan of Superstition Gardens who took the time out from their very busy order filling season, to send the above photo. Many Thanks guy's and Congratulations Rick on your very fine win.
Photo credit and copyright, Rick Tasco, Superstition Garden
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