When I first saw this iris bloom at home, my first thought was that I was having another enjoyable mid life crisis that involved visiting the Caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland. This Iris colouration is an acquired taste and some either love it or loath it, me? I put the colours in the loud but possibly interesting file. 'Atavus' grows well, has good plant health, but its the open and somewhat chaotic form of the cream standards and the uneven ruffling on the falls lets the bloom down. Had the form of the bloom been more even on the falls and the standards controlled, coupled with the interesting colours it could have been a brilliant iris. Certainly an Iris that's impossible to take no notice of !!
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Courtesy Cayeux Iris, 2013. |
Richmond Iris Garden, 376 Hill Street, Nelson. Issue 58, 2008-2009 Catalogue.
ATAVUS: L [A. Nicoll '06] Cream standards with central lilac flush. Tan hafts and border with strong lilac centre.
New Zealand Iris Hybridisers Cumulative Checklist 2012
ATAVUS Alison Nicoll, Reg., 2006. Sdlg. A00T2-2. TB, 28″, (72 cm), ML S. cream flushed lilac in centre; style arms cream and lilac; F. strongly washed violet, tan hafts and border; beards red; flared; slight spicy fragrance. Prince George X Outrageous Fortune. Richmond 2007/08; Begg Shield 2009 (NZ) Dykes Medal 2014 (NZ).
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Photo credit and copyright Iris Hunter.
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