..I made a visit today to the Historic Dursley Garden in Bideford and was shown around the by the gardens owner, the very effervescent Judith Callaghan.Sadly the the iris in the Del are a few days away from peak bloom.The Gardens were originally designed by Alfred Buxton in 1916 when the property was known as Te Rangi Pai. The name changed to Dursley in the 1930's.The 300 roses and original plantings of trees growing throughout the gardens, the views to the hills allow a visitor to see Buxtons vision still today.Car Park GreetingsDriveway...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Siberian Irises are my first interest in Irises and always give me much joy.My season this year looks to be about 10 days earlier than normal and no I do not think this has to do with climate change!! In 2007 'BANISH MISFORTUN which bloom's continuously for the full siberian season won 'The Award of Merit' which is an award for Irises proven of value over at least five years since introduction and this sum's up this iris nicely.Joe Pye Weed's Gardens 2008 CatalogBANISH MISFORTUNE - '99, E-L, 45". Standards and falls are mid-lavender-blue...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tall Bearded New Zealand Iris 'FOAMING SEAS'
Waterson Irises, Wanganui. 1959-60 Catalogue.
Rarely has a new iris in this country received such high acclaim before its introduction as has this lovely and sensational silver-blue, which we are introducing for its raiser, Mrs. Stevens, this year. During the flowering season last November, there was always a small crowd around Foaming Seas, photographing, examining, or just standing drinking in the beauty of its crystalline blossoms. It is being introduced in America later this season by Schreiner’s Iris...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
1:32 PM
Jean Stevens Iris,
New Zealand Bred Iris,
New Zealand Historic Iris,
Tall Bearded Historic Iris
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris 'EVERYTHING PLUS'
EVERYTHING PLUS Dave Niswonger Mid Season bloomer 29" and can on the odd occasion re-bloom. Soft blue white standards mixed with soft violet broken colour. Falls are
white stitched with deep violet and mustard gold beards tipped purple
bronze.Very distinct and consistently performs in every garden but it's
problem is that it is not overly tall, and the branching begins right at
ground level and works its way up through 4 branches, the lower branch
is quite long, coming up almost even with the top branch, I...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris 'PARAGON'
Schreiners Catalogue 1952
Paragon (Stevens) 1947. E.M. 36"Serene lovely rounded flowers of a delicate pearly shell colour or opalescent cool pinks. So cool and morning fresh it is bound to capture your attention and admiration. A hint of copper in a half inch margin around the edge of the petals and the rich mellow throat makes the whole flower glow . Exquisite planted with bright blues or deep violet.
Stevens Bros Catalogue 1949-50
Lovely rounded flowers of delicate pearly shell colour draw the attention and admiration of all....
Posted by
Iris Hunter
5:16 PM
Jean Stevens Iris,
New Zealand Bred Iris,
New Zealand Historic Iris,
New Zealand Iris,
Tall Bearded Historic Iris,
Tall Bearded Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'PROPHECY'
Another Iris name that was originally used by Jean Stevens, and then used by Joe Ghio. This also applied to the Iris VANITY originally used by Jean Stevens in 1949.
Still the iris PROPHECY pictured above is a good looking Iris which shows good increase, long bloom season, and gives pleasure in our garden,but in saying that it sure would have been nice to have both.
AIS Checklist 1979
PROPHECY (Joseph Ghio, R. 1970). Sdlg. 67-95A. TB 36" (91 cm) E-L. Light blue with deeper blue-violet spot on F.; blue beard. 65-125:...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tall Bearded Iris 'CAYENNE CAPERS'
Just after a shower of rain with the sunshine passing through the bloom just like the catalogue description below it was just to good of an opportunity to miss. Don't forget, Left Click with your mouse on any photo to view a larger image
Cooleys 1961 Catalogue pictured above
New Iris for 1961
CAYENNE CAPERS (Gibson 1961) Each $25.00Shown on the front cover of this catalogue in precise and accurate detail. Vivid and flashing with the sunshine on it or through it....glowing and alive on a cloudy day or in the pouring...
Tall Bearded Iris 'JESSE'S SONG'
Jesse's Song Awarded Honorable Mention 1985, Award of Merit 1987, Dykes Medal 1990. One of the first modern plicata irises to bloom at home and a consistent Rebloomer. Strong straight stems.
Pacific Coast Hybridizers, Campbell,
California. Three for 1983 from Bryce Williamson
JESSE'S SONG A white ground plicata that has wide, sanded borders
of methyl violet, deeply ruffled form, double buds and show stalks
that will open three wellplaced flowers. See the January Bulletin for our color ad. American
Saturday, October 18, 2008
New Zealand Tall Bearded Iris 'PHANTOM GOLD'
Fragrant Phantom Gold flowers early, and it is often confused with its sister seedling Random Harvest which is exceptionally late flowering and taller. Argosy, the pod parent of Phantom Gold has also been mis-labeled as Random Harvest and Phantom Gold. I will endeavor to post all of these varieties this season,which may help clear up the confusion.
Above photo part of a planting on a property in the Wairarapa which only has the variety Phantom Gold probably numbering 200 plants and is for period of 2-3 weeks a riot of Golden...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
5:58 PM
Historic Iris,
Jean Stevens Iris,
Tall Bearded Historic Iris
The Blue Brothers

.Two Blue Border Bearded irises in the garden today. As the definition of an Historic Iris is Thirty years from the date of its registration one of these irises is Historic and one is not. Not that this makes any difference as both are worthy of a space in your garden. This blog has the name Heritage Irises and it is my determination that all irises growing in New Zealand are part of our iris heritage and all will eventually become Historic so why not start early? Give them a good homeAM I BLUE (D. Denney, R. 1977). Sdlg. 0 72-134-1....
Posted by
Iris Hunter
11:43 AM
Border Bearded Iris,
Historic Border Bearded,
Historic Iris
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Historic Irises Flowering Today
..Just playing around with the camera. Good to see the Historic Iris have arrived and showing plenty of bloom stalks...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Intermediate Bearded Iris 'CHEERS'

If you want a dainty flowering Intermediate Iris that's White with a bit of a surprise then 'CHEERS' is for your garden. Its a tough and strong grower with bloom size comparing well with the Table Irises.Looks good with 'Spring Night' (Same size of bloom) Interesting parentage!! 'Cheers' has lots of bloom and colour with a bloom period and also in stature between the Dwarfs and Tall Bearded (41 to 70 cm 16 - 27½ inches)
If you don't own this Iris it's high time you did and soon. Hybridised by the Late Ben Hager...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
12:53 PM
Ben Hager,
Historic Iris,
Intermediate Bearded Iris CHEERS,
Intermediate Bearded Historic Iris
Bearded Iris Bulletin Wisley Trial

Have you seen the new brochure about the Bearded Trials published by the Royal Horticultural Society ?This bulletin follows the completion of a trial of 151 Median Bearded Irises and 112 Tall Bearded Irises at RHS Garden Wisley. The bulletin gives details of 90 AGM award-winning bearded irises in this group. It contains pictures and descriptions of each AGM cultivar, plus advice on cultivation and Bearded Iris classification. Great presentation, informative,and a future benchmark for Iris trial reporting. My Congratulations go to the...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
4:51 AM
Border Bearded Iris,
Intermediate Iris,
Iris Books,
Tall Bearded Iris
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Border Bearded Iris 'WHOOP 'EM UP'
First Border Bearded Iris flowering for the season and its good to see it starting with a Historic Variegata one of my favourite colourationsIn 1981 WHOOP 'EM UP was awarded The Knowlton Medal ,the highest award reserved exclusively for Border Bearded Irises within the American Iris Society.With this in mind and the picture not much more needs to be said.1979 AIS ChecklistWHOOP 'EM UP (D. Brady, R. 1973). Sdlg. B-BP-67-93. BB 27" (69 cm) E-L.S. golden yellow; F. maroon with golden yellow on reverse side extending to top as all...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Arilbred Irises are starting to strut their stuff and today we have blooming, Paul Blacks first Arilbred introduction, PRAIRIE THUNDER, which went on to win the William Mohr Medal in 1998.Not sure who you can buy it from in New Zealand but it is still available from Mid-America Iris Gardens in the States
Aril Society International Illustrated Official Checklist 2006
PRAIRIE THUNDER OB- (Paul Black, R. 1990). Sdlg. 86407A. AB (¼), 25” (64 cm), M. S. violet blue; olive tan styles; F. pale violet shading to tan edge; dark burgundy...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
1:14 PM
Aril Iris,
ArilBred Iris,
Paul Black,
Prairie Thunder
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Intermediate Bearded Iris 'SPRING NIGHT'

Another Black and fragrant Intermediate Iris (Starting to see a trend?)AIS Checklist 1979
SPRING NIGHT (W. Peck, R. 1974). Sdlg. 6726. IB 23" (58 cm) M. Very dark violet self; light violet beard. Inky X Jet Black., Old Brook 1975.Don't forget, Click on any photo to view a larger image
Photo credit and copyright Iris Hunter
Posted by
Iris Hunter
7:15 PM
Black Iris,
Historic Iris,
Intermediate Bearded Historic Iris,
Intermediate Iris
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Intermediate Arilbred Iris 'BIRD DANCER'

'Bird Dancer' another Stand out New Zealand Hybridised Iris by Hilmary Catton which is in full bloom today. What gives this intermediate iris its stunningly exotic look is partly due to its aril parentage.
Purchased for the princely sum of $5.00 (For that price I recommend you purchase two) from Kingswood Irises 15 Railway Road Woodlands R D 1 Invercargill. Write to Marion Rutherford for their Catalogue which is on CD with some of the best Iris photos around. As I have said before This iris nursery...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
6:22 PM
Aril Iris,
ArilBred Iris,
Intermediate Iris,
New Zealand Bred Iris,
New Zealand Iris
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Intermediate Bearded Historic Irises 'ARCTIC MYST' and 'BLACK WATCH'

Two Recent Historic Intermediate Irises Out today Will Just give you the checklist details and fill in a bit more information later.
ARCTIC MYST (A. Brown, R. 1964). Sdlg. M-358-4. IB 20" E, B1. Wisteria blue self, tan at haft; light yellow beard. (Snow Elf x blue sib) X Flyaway., Brown's Iris Gardens 1964. HM 1966.Quick Note Very Fragrant
BLACK WATCH (R. Rosenfels, R. 1972). Sdlg. 684-S. IB 23" (58 cm) M. Very deep, velvety purple self; matching beard. First Night X Sable Robe., Rosenfels 1972.
Photo Credit and Copyright...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
1:01 PM
Historic Iris,
Intermediate Bearded Historic Iris,
Intermediate Iris
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Standard Dwarf Iris "AMBER TIPS"
AMBER TIPS is another outstanding New Zealand Bred Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris. Just recently purchased last growing season this iris has certainly made itself at home rather quickly. Showing good increase and good plant health. New Zealand bred irises are generally poorly promoted and marketed so there is not much past information about this iris available for me to share with you. This is the first time I have seen this iris flowering and I am mighty glad I purchased it. Surprisingly no awards have been registered for this irisI have...
Posted by
Iris Hunter
7:58 AM
Historic Iris,
New Zealand Bred Iris,
New Zealand Historic Iris,
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris
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