Stevens Bros. Bastia Hill, Wanganui. Irises 1951-52 Catalogue.
Novelties 1951-52
Proud as we are to have raised Pinnacle and Summit with their sensational and wholly new colour combination,we are equally proud to have raised this less sensational but no less lovely iris. Mystic Melody is a sister seedling of Summit, and while the contrast between the standards and falls is as great, the sharpness of the contrast has been muted and softened by the smooth cream standards and the richer deep gold of the falls. This beautiful mellow quality is intensified by the softer outline of Mystic Melody’s form, which surrenders the dignity of the classic shape for the charm of gentle ruffling. Though the flowers are really large, one is not conscious of their size owing to perfect proportions, and to the smooth purity of the cream and warm rich gold colour. If we were given the choice of one iris, and only one for our garden this lovely iris would be our selection. It has the ethereal beauty of the pale blues, the brightness of the gold’s, the grandeur of the richer colours, and the purity of the finest white iris, and no other iris we have seen possesses all these attributes. We have often been asked which is our favourite iris, and we have not been able to answer the question. But here we have found it, and it is Mystic Melody.
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Courtesy Schreiner's Iris Lovers Catalog 1958. |
Schreiner's, Salem,Oregon, Iris Lovers Catalog, 1952.
MYSTIC MELODY M-L 39” This sister seedling to Summit though less striking, is not less glamorous, indeed there is a haunting loveliness about the butter yellow of the enamelled sun-drenched falls a the luminous, shimmering cream of the silken moonlight standards that weaves a spell over the beholder and leaves him rapt. Picture this iris with four open blooms may suggest a bunchiness which in fact does not exist, as the branching starts 8 inches from the ground. If you must chose between this and Summit I would say; If you are a breeder, buy Summit, if a fancier buy Mystic Melody. But if you can 'Buy Both', for each is a distinct and outstanding iris in its own right. HM 52
The Iris Year Book 1952.
Iris Travels in 1952, Mr Harold W. Knowlton.
People who think Pinnacle a trifle coarse can find a beautiful refined yellow bitone in Mrs. Stevens' Mystic Melody.
Fleur de Lis Gardens, Sioux City, Iowa. 1953 Catalog.
MYSTIC MELODY (Stevens) TB 40" M.
Another new bitone, this has rich cream standards, smooth butter yellow falls' Semi-flaring form. HM 1952
The Iris Year Book 1953
Progress in New Zealand, D'Arcy Blackburn.
In creating Mystic Melody, introduced in 1951, Mrs, Stevens has given us a still more finished flower but this time in a pattern of cream and gold. It, too, grows strongly and seems assured of a place in our gardens for many year to come.
Bulletin of the American Iris Society, January 1953, Number 128.
Random Comment.Don Waters, Ohio.
Mystic Melody is very fine both in form of flower and stalk-a refreshing yellow and cream bicolor with much more intensity of color than Pinnacle. In my opinion it is better in every respect than Summit in which I was somewhat disappointed.
Iris Society Year Book 1953 (British Iris Society)
Award to Mrs Stevens 1953 Foster Memorial Plaque, NLC.
One of her latest has perhaps been overshadowed by Pinnacle but it is my favourite, and, I believe her’s: Mystic Melody is from white and yellow amoena breeding but is not so definitely contrasted,the standards being cream and the falls golden yellow, very smooth and gently waved at the edges.It flowers late but very freely, and is good in all ways.
Bulletin of the American Iris Society, October 1954, Number 135.
Report and Varietal Comments From Region Three, Mrs. Wallace J. White .
Amoenas and near Amoenas
Mystic Melody - cream standards, butter yellow falls. Lovely.
Bulletin of the American Iris Society, October 1954, Number 135.
Report and Varietal Comments From Region 5, Ralph E. Lewis.
I saw Summit for the first time. It is much more striking than Pinnacle, but I still like Mystic Melody the best of these three.
Bulletin of the American Iris Society, October 1954, Number 135.
Report and Varietal Comment- Joplin Area, Mrs James A. Sapp, Mo.
Mystic Melody - Most outstanding of the Stevens iris. Superior to Pinnacle or Summit in our garden.
Lyon Iris Garden, Van Nuys, California. Lyon's Irisland, Iris and Hemerocallis, 1955 Catalog.
MYSTIC MELODY (Stevens, 1951)
This is a sister to Summit. While there is not as much color contrast in Mystic Melody as there is in Summit, we think the form is better, and the petals broader. The enamelled butter-yellow falls create a "melody of sweet music" with the standards of soft cream. An impressive iris. 39" Mid-Late. Honorable Mention 1951.
Eden Road Iris Garden, Wenatchee, Washington. 1956.
Mystic Melody (Stevens) M. 39in. ((Fair Elaine) x ((Lagos) X (Gudrun x Sdlg.)))
Creams standards, and rich butter yellow falls are vet y contrasty. The medium sized flowers are of flaring form, charming and outstanding.
D'Arcy Blackburn 14 Clifford Street, Gisborne. Bearded Irises 1957-1958.
Mystic Melody (Stevens)
With cream standards and butter yellow falls. this sister seedling of Summit has received the Award of Merit of the American Iris Society. Distinct and outstanding and a favourite of the raiser, Mrs. Stevens. AM '55 (42 inches)
The Iris Year Book 1957
The Iris Show, N. Leslie Cave.
Among the Trade Stands, Waterers put up their annual display. There were a number of New Zealand irises and I once again admired the refreshing appearance of Mrs. Stevens' trio, Pinnacle,Summit and Mystic Melody.The latter has creamy standards and golden yellow falls, and like Pinnacle is a very good iris; unlike many pampered new irises they grow vigorously and flower freely, apparently a rather vulgar trait these days
Easy Breeze Gardens, Yakima,Washington. Irises 1957.
Mystic Melody (Stevens '51) This has cream standards, and butter yellow falls. Flaring form, nice contrast.
Edenwald Gardens Vincennes, Indiana. Iris, Summer and Fall 1959.
Sister to Summit, and although not as contrasty, may prove to be the better. Standards are cream and Falls butter yellow. A lovely Iris.
Waterson's Iris Gardens, Wanganui. Irises 1960-1961
Mystic Melody is a sister seedling of Summit and while the contrast between the standards is as great, the sharpness of the contrast has been muted and softened by the smooth cream standards and the richer deep gold of the falls. This beautiful mellow quality has been intensified by the softer outline of Mystic Melody's form which surrenders the dignity of the classic shape for the charm of a gentle ruffling. Though the flowers are really large, one is not conscious of their size owing to their perfect proportions, and to the smooth purity of the cream and warm rich gold colour. A.M., A.I.S., 1955. 3½ft.
Longs Gardens, Boulder, Colorado. Summer and Fall 1967.
Longs Mile High Quality Iris
Mystic Melody (Stevens) M. 39in.
Cream standards and butter yellow falls combine to make this a very lovely iris. HM '52, AM '55
New Zealand Hybridisers Cumulative Checklist 2014
MYSTIC MELODY Mrs J. Stevens, Reg., 1949. Sdlg. 9/T192. TB, 42″ -48″, M, Y6D. S. creamy white. F. Deep rich gold. Orange beard. Falls to small for standards. 3½ - 4ft.; Description J Stevens Studbook notes,‘1947 flowering’; ((Fair Elaine) x ((Lagos) X (Gudrun x Sdlg.))) Novelties' Stevens Bros 1951-52. Schreiners 1951, HM 1952 AIS, AM 1955 AIS.
It is a privilege to grow Mystic Melody at home and very pleased to have it in my collection. It is a very vigorous grower and flowers freely, shows good Purple bottom foliage (PBF).
Reproduction in whole or in part of this post, its opinions or its images without the expressed written permission of Terry Johnson is strictly prohibited.
Photo credit and copyright Terry Johnson and Heritage Irises ©.
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