Registered as LEXICON, this nicely balanced hybrid is one of the newest additions to the Japanese-Siberian family hybridised by Christy Hensler
I first came into contact with Christy some years ago and I have always admired her "thinking outside the square" when it comes to Japanese and Siberian interseries hybrid breeding, its a difficult thing to do.
Here she relates her thoughts regarding this remarkable iris "LEXICON will make her début in 2012 at the Michigan Iris Convention. Her leaves don't look like any "Siberian" you have ever seen. She's an aggressive little doll who's never failed to bloom even after being moved in the spring. Barely fertile only with a sibling so far but I've started playing with Adrenaline Rush again, the F1 JI-SIB she came from hoping to pull a few more colors into the type."

Despite inconclusive criticism of her work with Ensiberians Christy Hensler has persevered. Plant breeders with a sense of adventure are a valuable asset in the Iris world for making us think that the Impossible now seems probable, long may they live.
To find out more information on Christy's work go to The Rock Garden web site http://www.povn.com/rock/index.html
As always clicking on the above image will take you to the larger, higher resolution version.
Photo credit and copyright and a major hat tip to Christy Hensler
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